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Why Annual Skin Cancer Screenings Are So Important

Jun 13, 2023

Why Annual Skin Cancer Screenings Are So Important

Are you taking your skin health seriously? With skin cancer affecting millions of people worldwide, annual skin cancer screenings are more important than ever. Keep reading to discover the reasons why.

Skin cancer is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease that affects millions of people worldwide. However, the good news is that early detection can greatly improve the chances of successful treatment and recovery. 

At Levit Dermatology, in Brooklyn, New York, we understand the impact that healthy skin can have on your well-being, and we’re dedicated to helping you every step of the way. Dr. Eyal Levit, MD and our team offer both in-person and telemedicine consultations, ensuring you receive the care you need. 

From annual skin cancer screenings to advanced treatment options, we're committed to supporting your well-being and helping you achieve healthier skin. In the meantime, let's dive into why making regular appointments for skin cancer screenings should be a priority for everyone.

Understanding the risks of skin cancer

To fully grasp the significance of annual skin cancer screenings, it's important to understand the prevalence and risks associated with this disease. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer globally, and its occurrence is often linked to excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or artificial sources, such as tanning beds.

Fair-skinned individuals, people with a history of sunburns, and those with a family history of skin cancer are at higher risk. However, it's crucial to note that skin cancer can affect anyone, regardless of age or skin color.

The benefits of annual skin cancer screenings

Annual skin cancer screenings offer several vital benefits that can potentially save lives. Let's explore them:

Early detection 

Regular screenings enable the detection of skin cancer in its earliest stages. This is crucial because early-stage skin cancer is highly treatable and has a significantly higher survival rate. By identifying suspicious moles or lesions promptly, health care professionals can take appropriate measures to prevent the cancer from progressing.

Identification of precancerous lesions 

Skin screenings not only detect existing skin cancer but also identify precancerous lesions, such as actinic keratoses. These lesions have the potential to become cancerous over time, so their early identification can prevent the development of full-blown skin cancer.

Peace of mind

Annual skin cancer screenings provide peace of mind by catching any potential issues at an early stage. Knowing that you're taking proactive steps to care for your skin can alleviate anxiety and promote overall well-being.

What to expect during a skin cancer screening

Now that you understand the importance of skin cancer screenings, you might be wondering what the process entails. Here's a quick overview:

Physical examination 

skin cancer screening typically involves a thorough physical examination of your skin. A dermatologist or other healthcare professional will examine your entire body, including areas that are usually not exposed to the sun, looking for suspicious moles or lesions.

Discussion of concerns 

During the examination, you'll have the opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have about your skin or specific spots that have caught your attention. Your health care provider addresses your concerns and provides guidance based on your unique needs.

Recommendations and follow-up

Based on the examination, your provider will determine if further action is necessary. This may include a recommendation for a biopsy to test any suspicious lesions or advice on self-monitoring and sun protection. They will also discuss when you should schedule your next screening.

Regular skin cancer screenings play a pivotal role in early detection and prevention of skin cancer. By being proactive and making annual appointments, you can take charge of your skin health and potentially avoid the devastating consequences of late-stage skin cancer. 

Remember, prevention and early intervention are key. So, contact Levit Dermatology and give us a call to book your first appointment with Dr. Levit or any of his highly skilled board-certified dermatologists today. 

Wishing you all health and beauty. Be good, do good, and may good come to you. At Levit Dermatology, we believe that health and beauty is our duty.