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NEW - Aveli

NEW - Aveli

Aveli services offered in Manhattan Beach, Brooklyn, NY

Levit Dermatology takes pride in providing the industry-leading cellulite treatment, Avéli in Manhattan Beach, Brooklyn, NY. With just one treatment, patients can experience a significant improvement in the appearance of cellulite, resulting in smoother and more youthful-looking skin.

Mechanism of Action​
Avéli is the first and only cellulite device that identifies and releases culprit septa on the buttocks and thighs in a single procedure with real-time confirmation using Targeted Verifiable Subcision.

Avéli delivers a long-term reduction in the appearance of cellulite in the buttocks and thighs for a wide variety of women covering the full spectrum of cellulite complexity.

Smoother skin in the procedure area is visible shortly after a single in-office procedure once swelling and bruising subsides.